How Do You Start Dreads With Short Hair?

Starting dreadlocks with short hair may seem challenging, but with the right techniques and tools, it is entirely possible. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to start dreads with short hair, ensuring a professional and polished look. Before diving into the process, it is crucial to assess the length of your hair, as certain methods are more

e suitable for shorter lengths. From there, using a soft bristle brush pad and dreadlock gel will aid in creating the desired texture and hold. The finger coiling technique will then be employed to form individual dreadlock segments. With the proper tools and techniques, achieving well-formed dreads with short hair is within reach.

Key Takeaways

  • The recommended minimum hair length for starting dreadlocks is 2-3 inches.
  • Curly or oily hair tends to shrink when it locks, so longer hair is advised.
  • Sectioning, backcombing, and twisting are the three important factors to consider when starting dreads.
  • Using a soft bristle brush pad and applying dreadlock gel can aid in starting dreads with short hair.

Assessing Hair Length

Assessing Hair Length

How do you accurately determine the length of your hair when considering starting dreads with short hair? This is a critical question to address before embarking on the journey of dreadlocks. When assessing hair length, it is important to have a clear understanding of the desired length for your dreads.

The recommended minimum hair length for starting dreadlocks is about 2-3 inches. It is crucial to consider the texture and curl pattern of your hair. Curly or oily hair tends to shrink when it locks, so it is advised to have slightly longer hair to compensate for the shrinking factor.

To accurately determine your hair length, measure it from the roots to the tips while ensuring that it is in its natural, un-stretched state. This will provide a reliable measurement for deciding whether your short hair is suitable for starting dreads Bandana With Short Hair.

Starting With Three Inches

To successfully start dreads with short hair, it is recommended to have a minimum hair length of three inches. Starting with three inches of hair allows for better manipulation and twisting, ensuring the dreads form properly. Here are three important factors to consider when starting dreads with three inches of hair:

  1. Sectioning: Divide the hair into small, even sections to create the foundation for each dread. This helps maintain uniformity and prevents the dreads from merging together.
  2. Backcombing: Use a fine-toothed comb to backcomb each section of hair, starting from the roots and working towards the tips. This technique helps create the necessary texture and encourages the hair to lock together.
  3. Twisting: After backcombing, twist each section in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction to further encourage the hair to form into dreads. This twisting motion helps to compact the hair and promotes the locking process.

Using a Soft Bristle Brush Pad

Using a Soft Bristle Brush Pad

Individuals with short hair can utilize a soft bristle brush pad to aid in the process of starting dreads. This method is particularly useful for those who have hair that is too short to be twisted or braided. The soft bristle brush pad helps to create friction and encourages the hair to lock and form into individual sections.

To use this technique, gently brush the hair in a circular motion, focusing on each section for a few minutes. This will help to create knots and tangles, which are the first step towards forming dreads. It is important to note that this method may take longer for shorter hair, as compared to longer hair. 

Applying Dreadlock Gel

As we transition from the previous subtopic, it is important to delve into the process of applying dreadlock gel when starting dreads with short hair. Dreadlock gel is a crucial element in the initial stages of forming and maintaining dreadlocks. Here are three key steps to effectively apply dreadlock gel:

  1. Cleanse your hair: Before applying the gel, ensure that your hair is clean and free from any products or residue. This will allow the gel to penetrate and adhere to your hair more effectively.
  2. Section your hair: Divide your hair into small segments or sections. This will help to create uniform and well-defined dreadlocks. Use clips or hair ties to keep each section separate.
  3. Apply the gel: Take a small amount of dreadlock gel and rub it between your palms. Gently work the gel into each section of hair, from the roots to the ends, ensuring complete coverage.

Creating Dreadlock Segments

Creating Dreadlock Segments

When starting dreads with short hair, the next crucial step is to create distinct segments for the formation of dreadlocks. This is important because it helps in organizing the hair and ensures that the dreadlocks are uniform in size and shape. To create these segments, you can use a comb or your fingers to part the hair into small sections.

It is recommended to start with smaller sections, especially for short hair, as it allows for better control and promotes the formation of tighter and neater dreadlocks. Once the segments are created, you can move on to the next step, which is the finger coiling technique. This technique involves twisting and rolling the hair between your fingers to encourage the formation of individual dreadlocks.

Finger Coiling Technique

To achieve well-defined and uniform dreadlocks, especially when looking to Start Dreads With Short Hair, the next step after creating distinct segments is to employ the finger coiling technique. This technique involves twisting small sections of hair around the fingers to create cylindrical shapes. Here are three key aspects to consider when using the finger coiling technique:

  1. Hair preparation: Before starting the finger coiling process, make sure your hair is clean and free from any product buildup. This will ensure that the coils form properly and hold their shape.
  2. Coiling direction: Decide whether you want your coils to twist clockwise or counterclockwise. Consistency in coiling direction will help create a neater and more uniform look.
  3. Tension and size: Apply gentle tension to the hair while coiling it around your fingers. This will help the coils to stay intact. The size of the sections you coil will determine the thickness of your dreadlocks.

With the finger coiling technique mastered, it’s time to move on to the tools and techniques for short hair dreadlocks.

Tools and Techniques for Short Hair Dreadlocks

Tools and Techniques for Short Hair Dreadlocks

The successful execution of the finger coiling technique lays the foundation for exploring the essential tools and techniques required for achieving dreadlocks with short hair. When it comes to short hair dreadlocks, having the right tools and techniques is crucial for a successful outcome. Below is a table highlighting some of the key tools and techniques that can be used:

Dreadlock combBackcombing
Crochet hookInterlocking
Rubber bandsPalm rolling
Beeswax or dreadlock gelTwist and rip
Satin or silk scarfBraid and twist

Each tool and technique serves a specific purpose in the creation and maintenance of short hair dreadlocks. It is important to note that different individuals may have different preferences, so it’s essential to experiment with different tools and techniques to find what works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Start Dreads With Hair That Is Shorter Than Three Inches?

Starting dreads with hair shorter than three inches is possible, but it may require more time and effort. The process involves sectioning the hair, backcombing or twisting the sections, and using products to encourage locking. Regular maintenance is crucial to help the dreads mature.

Do I Need to Use a Specific Type of Gel for Starting Dreads With Short Hair?

When starting dreads with short hair, it is essential to choose a gel specifically designed for hair locking. This type of gel provides the necessary hold and structure required for the initial stages of dread formation.

Are There Any Alternative Methods Besides Using a Soft Bristle Brush Pad to Start Dreads With Short Hair?

When starting dreads with short hair, there are alternative methods besides using a soft bristle brush pad. These methods may include backcombing, palm rolling, interlocking, or using a crochet hook to create and maintain the dreadlock formation.

How Long Does It Usually Take for Dreads to Form When Starting With Short Hair?

The time it takes for dreads to form when starting with short hair varies depending on factors such as hair texture, thickness, and maintenance techniques. Generally, it can take several months to a year for dreads to fully form.

Can I Still Use the Finger Coiling Technique if My Hair Is Extremely Short?

While starting dreads with short hair poses certain challenges, it is still possible to utilize the finger coiling technique even with extremely short hair. Patience, proper maintenance, and hair care routine are essential for successful dreadlock formation.


In conclusion, starting dreadlocks with short hair requires careful assessment of hair length and the use of specific tools and techniques. By applying dreadlock gel, creating dreadlock segments, and using the finger coiling technique, individuals with short hair can successfully begin their dreadlock journey. With patience and proper maintenance, short hair can transform into beautiful and unique dreadlocks. So embrace the process and enjoy the journey towards your desired hairstyle.

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