How Fast Does Hair Grow?

Hair growth is something that interests many people. We all want healthy, shiny hair. But how fast does our hair grow? This is an interesting question to explore. Many factors impact hair growth rate. Understanding what affects hair growth can help us care for our hair better.

Have you ever noticed that your hair grows slowly in the winter but faster in the summer? Our hair growth is constantly changing based on things happening in and around our bodies. Getting to the root of what controls hair growth rate helps explain why it speeds up or slows down.

To understand what impacts hair growth rate, we first need to understand the hair growth cycle. Hair grows in phases, with periods of active growth followed by transition and rest phases. The length of each phase controls how fast our hair grows overall. Things like nutrition, age, and hormones impact the hair cycle, and thus hair growth rate.

Phases of Hair Growth

Phases of Hair Growth

There are 3 phases of hair growth. The length of these 3 phases controls how fast your hair grows overall. The longer the growing anagen phase, the faster your hair will grow.

Anagen phase

The first phase is called the anagen phase. This is when hair is actively growing. During anagen, the cells in your hair roots divide to make new hair cells. Anagen lasts 2-7 years. So for a few years, your hair will grow about 1/2 inch per month.

Catagen phase

The next phase is the catagen phase. This phase signals the end of active hair growth. It only lasts 2-3 weeks. In catagen, the hair is cut off from its blood supply and the lower part of the hair starts to harden.


The last phase is called telogen. This is the resting phase. It lasts about 3 months. In telogen, old hair starts to fall out as new hair starts growing back in. At the end of telogen, the cycle starts over again with the anagen phase.

What Can Affect Hair Growth?

What Can Affect Hair Growth?

Many factors influence how fast hair grows. While we can’t control some factors, eating nutritious foods, maintaining hormonal balance, reducing stress, and getting older gracefully can help maximize our hair growth potential.


Hormones play a big role. Higher levels of hormones like estrogen and testosterone speed up hair growth. That’s why during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause women may see faster hair growth.


Nutrition also impacts hair growth. Getting enough protein, vitamins (like vitamin D and B vitamins), iron, zinc, and omega-3 fats helps hair grow faster and healthier. Not getting enough nutrition can lead to slow hair growth.


Age also affects hair growth rate. As we get older, the anagen phase shortens. Hair follicles shrink and rest phases get longer. So hair growth slows as we become senior. Illness or medical treatments like chemotherapy target rapidly dividing cells like hair follicles, slowing growth.


Stress is another factor. High stress levels increase cortisol which can reduce hair growth and even lead to excess hair fall. Staying active, reducing stress, and getting enough sleep helps maintain healthy hair growth.

How fast does hair grow per month?

How fast does hair grow per month?

On average, healthy scalp hair grows about half an inch or 1.25 centimeters a month. So that’s about 6 inches or 15 centimeters of hair growth per year. Of course, not all hair grows at the same rate. Factors like age, nutrition, and hormones impact how fast your hair grows each month.

How to Speed Up Hair Growth

Eat protein like eggs, nuts, and fish. Protein builds strong, growing hair follicles. Take vitamins that promote hair growth like vitamin B, D, and omega 3s. Apply oils like coconut, olive, or castor oil to hair and scalp to help condition and moisturize hair. Gently massage the scalp to increase blood flow that feeds hair roots. Stay active to maintain healthy hormone levels that fuel faster hair growth. Try to reduce stress which slows new hair growth.

Tips To Maintain Long Hair

Tips To Maintain Long Hair
  1. Limit shampoo use which can strip necessary oils from hair shafts and ends. Focus shampoo on the scalp only.
  2. Use gentle conditioners and masks to nourish full hair lengths without weighing it down.
  3. Let hair air dry instead of overheating with hot tools to avoid split ends and breakage.
  4. Use protective styles at night like braids or silk pillowcases to avoid tangles that can pull out hair.
  5. Handle wet hair gently using wide tooth combs starting at the ends before moving up to prevent rips or tears.
  6. Trim every 6-8 weeks to cut split ends before they travel up strands, but don’t over-trim length.

Factors that slow hair growth 

There are a few key things that can slow down how fast your hair grows:

  • Stress – High stress increases the cortisol hormone which slows new hair from growing
  • Poor nutrition – Not getting enough protein, iron, zinc, and vitamins leads to thinner hair growth
  • Medications – Some drugs like blood pressure or arthritis medicine slow hair follicles
  • Aging – As we get older, our hair follicles shrink, slowing growth speed

Time to go to doctor related to hair growth 

See your doctor if you notice sudden increased hair fall, bald patches, or very slow growth. This could signal:

  • Hormone or thyroid problems – These issues can disrupt normal hair growth cycles
  • Anemia or low iron – Without enough iron, fewer new hair strands can form
  • Autoimmune disorder – Conditions like alopecia attack hair follicles
  • Infection – Ringworm and other infections block healthy hair growth

Hair growth rate by age

Hair growth rate by age

Seeing your doctor for unusual changes can help diagnose issues. But in general hair growth slows down as we get older. Staying healthy helps maintain optimum growth.

  • Childhood – Ages 4-12 see fastest hair growth, up to 6 inches per year
  • Teens & Early 20s – Around 4 inches per year during puberty peak
  • 20s & 30s – Average around 3.5 inches per year as growth starts to slow
  • 40s & 50s – Often 2 inches per year or less as hair follicles shrink more
  • 60s & Beyond – Typically .75 inches per year or less; growth continues slowing


Can hair grow 2 inches in a month?

No, the average rate is 1/2 inch per month.

Does hair grow every day?

Yes, hair is constantly growing in cycles.

Does rice water grow hair?

Rice water may help strengthen hair but doesn’t directly increase growth rate.

How do you get thick hair?

Improve diet, massage scalp, reduce stress and styling damage to promote thicker hair.

How onion helps in hair growth?

Onions may increase blood circulation to hair follicles allowing faster, healthier growth.


Many factors like age, hormones, diet, and stress levels work together to influence how fast someone’s hair can grow. While we can’t control everything, eating nutritious foods, keeping stress low, properly caring for hair, and having patience with the hair growth cycle can all help maximize hair health and growth rate over time. Meeting our body’s needs internally and externally offers the best chance of growing stronger, shinier hair.

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